Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Final Conept - Commercial

SuperHero in a Box: Second Edition

Life just got a lot easier with Superhero in a Box: Second Edition. Manufactured for your easy living, this set includes teleportation, super stretch, and time freeze!

Theme: An advertised product that aids in its user's laziness
One thing that I noticed about the commercials selling ridiculous products is that they offer nothing more than an aid for laziness. So to push the whole idea that this product is appealing to the lazy I'll use all examples of what these powers can be used for to aid in the user's laziness. This is meant to be comical but should seem to look like a real commercial.

Super Stretch
Time Freeze

Sleeping in and getting to work or class at the last minute.
Teleport to the store and back to your couch in seconds.

Effect Example:

*This is basically what the effect will look like except between two different locations
*apply camera shake effect and added dust

Super stretch
Turn off your alarm clock without getting out of bed.
Stay on the couch and grab the soda that you left across the room.

*Rotobrush: mask out the actor's arm and use the puppet tool to stretch it.

Time Freeze
Take a nap in the middle of the day.
(character at work and starts sleeping on their desk)
Finish homework just before you turn it in

Effect Example

This is effect is simple: masking and time remapping.

Examples of Products and commercials that pretty much support laziness

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