Thursday, February 16, 2012

Superhero in a Box

After ordering a new system in the mail that guarantees to give its user super powers, one guy finds that those powers are not as cool as he imagined.

In After Effects, I will be using these techniques:
Motion Tracking
Matte painting

Tone: Comical
Theme: be careful of what you buy

We open with a guy getting a package in the mail. He's excited and opens it quickly. It's Superhero in a Box; an injection that gives the user temporary superpowers. He takes the shot and gets up to test out the effects. First he looks down at the box at the list of superpowers. The first is super strength: So he goes outside and picks up a car, but lets it go mid-air and it drops and the windows shatter (matte painting the broken glass + 3D effects for the shattering glass). The next power is SuperSpeed, so he takes off in different directions superfast, but has a cramp after and goes back inside. The third power is making objects move with one's mind. so he focuses for a minute and causes an object on his coffee table to hover. The Fourth power is duplicating oneself. So, he breathes for a moment, then a clone pops up next to him, but the clone is mindless and drooling. Finally, he picks up the box that the medicine came in and turns it over to the warning label. It reads that the powers obtained using this product are to be used strictly by professionals. Clones may manifest in multiples or zombie-like. Use with extreme caution. Then it lists a variety of other bad bodily side effects.

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This one is a possible alternate to the superspeed. I'll try both to see which works out better.

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