Tuesday, February 14, 2012


This technique is probably the easiest I've tried thus far. Which is why im liking it. However, this effect can look really cheap if not done well. Being mindful of where the actor is and backgrounds is the most important part. I did a few tests in class today. They look pretty crappy, but here's just to show that i get the overall point. There's a lot i can do with cloning so im pretty excited to get started on some big projects with this technique involved.

Idea for a short
For this technique I want to make a short about a guy who is accidentally cloning himself over and over again. It will start with the main character getting home, checking the mail, and getting a letter about a cloning program. There would be a phrase at the bottom that the letter recipient must recite if they choose to join the program. Then clones of himself start popping up all over the room. After too many have popped up he quickly exits his apartment and shuts the door. After thinking for a moment, he opens the door back up and the room is empty. So he rips up the letter.

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